Sunday, December 4, 2011

Lucy the WonderSock is READY!!

This is very exciting! The Lucy the WonderSock is FINISHED and will be sent out in the next couple of weeks! Everyone who is already on the list, you will get an email letting you know when she is headed your way! I've made a couple of minor changes to her trip- first is, Lucy will be travelling with a USB instead of a camera; It was just too hard to find a camera that didn't have to have a program downloaded in order to view photos, and that's just too much of a hassle in this situation. SO, you will get a USB, use your own cameras for the photos and then load them onto the USB and send a copy to me via email so I can put them on the blog! The second change is, Lucy will be staying with you for a week instead of three days. The reason for that is, i've had a lot of people requesting to have Lucy visit over a weekend to go to events, and if everyone just has her for a week, you are guaranteed to get a weekend. Plus it's more time to take her fun places! Other than that, everything is the same! If you haven't signed up and want Lucy the Wonderbull to visit you, email me at with your name, full address, and email, and I will add you to the list! Lucy will have alot of places to visit so she can only stay with each family for 1 week. Lucy will want pictures to document her trip, so make sure to snap at least FIVE pictures! You can always take more if you'd like! (rules for photos: NO obscene pictures, Lucy is a lady. You must take at least 5 pictures and at least 1 picture has to be of her helping to promote the end of BSL or raise awareness to her breed. How? Be creative! You can get her picture volunteering at a rescue or writing a letter to the city council-it's up to you!) After you've taken your pictures- hop onto the computer, upload them to the USB, and send them to me via email with a summary of her visit with you (what you did, who you met, etc) so I can put them in the blog. Once I recieve the pictures and travel log, I will email you with the next address to ship Lucy to. After that, send her on her way! I don't care which service is used to ship her but please make sure she has all her things and is comfortable, and has a tracking number, we don't want to lose her! After she's shipped, please email me with her tracking number as well. And be sure to check the blog often, I will update it weekly with Lucy's latest travel! Remember, anybody can sign up at ANY TIME, even after I send Lucy the WonderSock out, you'll just be added to the list and it's first come first serve. Spread the Word!

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